Products top market status in food and drinks industry When defining brand’s strength, people often forget that what distinguishes some food and beverages and gives them life is the FLAVOUR. It’s so meaningful that we might even introduce a whole new category FLAVOUR BRAND to define advantages and limitations on the market compared to other brands that don’t have that strength. Flavour brand status is acquired once the product has enough steady customers who find the actual flavour of the […]
Well known 4P is uttered by every marketing college student at least 800 times. If marketing student knows anything, it’s PRODUCT, PLACE, PRICE AND PROMOTION- parts of marketing mix. Anyway, tried theoretical models often cannot be applied in practice. Even those with years of marketing experience the fourth p- promotion often identify with marketing. That’s not right because only by knowing and co-ordinating all four elements of marketing mix can you achieve results in the market. The best company in […]
At the end of 2015, first and successful PSYCH OUT event took place, where esteemed psychology professor Boris Blažinić gave advice on facing obstacles in business, dealing with stress, ups and downs, professionally and personally. Boris Blažinić is a business Coach for maintaining and increasing personal and business organisational efficiency. On Friday, February 26th, second event within Ready, steady, GO! project took place. This project is carried out by Koprivnički poduzetnik in cooperation with Udruženje poduzetnika Koprivnice. Successful and local […]
14 things I love about him is a campaign we ran for Orient Silver two weeks before Valentine ’s Day. Campaign was focused on those cute and almost impossible things men do to remind their girlfriends and wives that they love them. After a blog entry on February 1, a blogger in love started a countdown. Each day ww published one thing we love about men. On day five, a giveaway was announced. Girls had to write what was the most […]